Micarli Salomon
By Micarli Salomon on June 30, 2023

Practices for measuring employee engagement and how to implement a pulse survey.

Measuring employee engagement is crucial for organizations to understand the level of motivation and satisfaction of their employees. 
There is no one-size-fits-all approach, every company is different, however we have compiled some best practices to consider when measuring employee engagement:
  • Clearly define what engagement means to the business: Start by defining what it means to your organization. It can include factors such as job satisfaction, commitment, motivation, loyalty and discretionary effort. Having a clear idea of what you want to measure will guide your efforts.

  • Use a combination of different methods: Try using quantitative surveys and qualitative methods to collect comprehensive data. Surveys can provide numerical ratings and trends, while qualitative methods, such as focus groups, interviews or open-ended questions, allow employees to express their opinions in their own words, providing deeper insight.

  • Provide a safe space: Make sure surveys are anonymous to encourage honest and unbiased responses. This allows employees to freely share their opinions without fear of repercussions.

  • Choose the right survey tools: Select reliable survey tools such as OpenHR that offer customisable questionnaires, robust analytics and easy data collection. There are several employee engagement survey platforms that can help streamline the process.

  • Customize the assessment: Use standardized questions that are commonly used to measure employee engagement and compare them to industry standards. In addition, include customized questions tailored to your organization's culture, values and specific areas of interest.

  • Survey regularly: Conduct periodic surveys throughout the year to track changes in employee engagement over time. These shorter surveys provide quick insights and allow for more frequent feedback cycles.

  • Take action: Focus on actionable metrics. Identify the key drivers of engagement within your organization and measure those aspects specifically. This will help identify areas for improvement and guide action planning.

  • Benchmarking: Compare your organization's levels of engagement with industry benchmarks or previous internal surveys. This will provide context and help identify areas for improvement.

  • Involve employees in the process: Encourage their participation and communicate the purpose and importance of measuring engagement. This involvement builds transparency, trust and ownership.

  • Follow-up action plans: After analyzing the survey results, develop action plans to address areas for improvement. Let the employee know what steps are being taken to address their concerns. Periodically review and communicate the progress of these action plans to reinforce engagement efforts.
Based on the above practices, here is a timeline of the steps to follow to implement a successful pulse survey.
  1. Define the purpose
  2. Determine the frequency
  3. Choose the right survey tool 
  4. Design the survey
  5. Maintain anonymity
  6. Communicate the purpose
  7. Schedule reminders
  8. Analyze and interpret results
  9. Communicate survey findings
  10. Develop action plans
  11. Track progress
  12. Repeat the process
We hope this article has been helpful to you and we take the fact that you have come this far reading as an opportunity to recommend the OpenHR survey platform, it is a very intuitive tool that will help your employee engagement measurement process.
Pulse Survey